A Little Introduction:

Cherish the chaos. The name for this blog came to me in a dream. I am still figuring out how to “cherish the chaos” so I am no expert. Sort of an oxymoron. How can one cherish chaos?

In my life, I have had my fair share of chaos – chaos brought on by the actions of others such as attempted murder to name just one. Not to mention the numerous unfavorable choices I have made in my life that brought their own special heartaches for both myself and those that love me. Yet, I am still here. And grateful for the experiences as it places me in a unique position of sympathy, understanding, and love for my fellow man. Would I wish these experiences on anyone else? Absolutely not. Nor do I care to experience the shame, guilt, pain, and heartache again. But there is a much larger lesson I have learned from these – there is a loving Father in Heaven and a Savior at his right hand who love me and are aware of exactly what I am experiencing at any given moment. They are my crutch along with many others on this Earth who have loved me and stood by my side through it all. Despite where I was on the path.

The adversary works hard to make sure the simple truths of everlasting happiness are lost, hidden in the world amongst the hate, violence, depression, anxieties, lies, just to name some that have personally blinded me. I plan to work harder, using this blog as a tool, to show the examples I have in my life of Christ’s light and love and bring a little light to the darkness surrounding me. So here goes nothing. I’ve wrestled with the Lord and my human nature long enough. I am succumbing to His will and writing this blog. I am sure this is meant most for me to grow and benefit. But who knows, maybe it can be a source of strength for someone else as well. I am ignoring the fear of judgement, insult, and insecurity. Here is me just being real and putting down the walls. Learning to cherish the chaos. I hope to do Him proud.

Thank you for stopping by. Know you are loved.